Genesis Systems is now Genesis Systems, LLC
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

As of January 1st, 2006, Genesis Systems has become Genesis Systems, LLC - A Nebraska Limited Liability Company, organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska.

Genesis Systems was founded by BJ Williams in 1985. Initially the company was formed to provide computer repair and parts sales. However, within the first few months the market showed that Computer Programming (Application Development) and Network Management and Support was a better fit.

"The computing landscape was very much different in those days. Networking as we know it now was non-existent then. Programming tools and languages today are head and shoulders above what we had to work with 'back in the day'.", say Brendan (BJ) Williams, President and Chief Software Architect.

Williams started his programming career in 1980 learning his craft on a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11, coding in FORTRAN and DEC's BASIC/RT-11.

Throughout it's tenure, Genesis Systems has worked with an impressive list of clients, both local to the Omaha Nebraska regional area, as well as nationwide. Clients include: Chief Automotive, Pillsbury Food Service, Best Foods, PACCAR Financial, MarketWorks, Paxton & Vierling Steel Company, Owen Industries, DaimlerChrysler, Freightliner, Eades Commodities Company, Centris Federal Credit Union, First Nebraska Educators Credit Union, Mannings Truck Brokerage, 22nd Century Logistics, National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys (NNEPA), Redstone Communications, KAET (PBS), WTTW (PBS), among others.

Genesis Systems continues to provide a "bleeding edge" approach to new technolgies, as well as helping clients get the most out of their in-place legacy systems. Clients utilizing Genesis' services, processes and applications generally stand out from the rest of the pack.

2006 marks Genesis' beginning year as an LLC.

"We feel this change to the structure of the company will allow us maximum flexibility in meeting customer needs, as well as open up new opportunities for business growth.", says Williams.

Brad Williams will continue as Vice President of Operations.

For more information, contact Genesis Systems, LLC at (402) 592-1452