Thursday, October 6, 2005
Today Genesis unveiled their newly redesigned website, part of a marketing push designed to coincide with October's Buy-the-Big-O Show.
In contrast to previous iterations, this version of the Genesis Website not only has been re-"skinned", but has been completely re-thought out.
"There were a number of major goals that we set out to solve", says Genesis Lead Developer Dusty Davidson. "First and foremost, we wanted the website to be 'shinier'. The previous website was a step in the right direction, but left a little to be desired. We feel that our website should accurately reflect our company, which I've always viewed as being very shiny."
This design picked up where the previous design left of, incorporating the new Genesis logo, and the "running man". In addition, the site loosely models the Genesis business card, for continuity.
"I've always felt that the Genesis business card is unique, and I get that same impression from people I hand them out to. When designing the site, I wanted someone who took the card and visited the site to see a connection between the two, and hopefully have the same positive experience with the website that they do with the card.", says Davidson.
Another major aspect of the redesign was the incorporation of additional content areas. This not only aides potential clients and other visitors to the site, but it also allows the Genesis Website to be more easily indexed located via search engines.
"Previous iterations of the Genesis website incorporated a great deal of flash animation and other graphical elements. These were impossible for search engines such as Google to index, and thus we ended up with limited search engine visibility.", says Davidson.
The new site completely does away with flash animation, for browser compatibility reasons, and makes wide use of actual text elements. In addition, the website has been thoroughly tested on all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, FireFox and Opera.
The new Genesis website can be viewed online at